April Check-in!!

Spring - Hello April  #NBnewyear @thenutribullet

Happy April Loves!

The weather is getting warmer & the sun is shining brighter and I am oh so ready for spring! It’s been a minute so I just wanted to check-in and drop a big old positivity bomb up in the place. I’ve been LIVING and doing the whole part-time job, law school, community organizingg flexx, so I switched out of jillian michaels 30 day shred and have been getting my fitness on via long walks to work and beyond, and now ready to transition back as I prep to go away to East Africa for the summer (stay posted;)

Anywho, just wanted to say that I’m in a great place, as are we all if we can stop to recognize it!

Fitness, health, happiness, it’s all the same parcel, so when your happy your body can only THRIVE, and I am VERY happy, lol.  Doing work-outs and making special meals are alway awesome, but I am also remembering that REGARDLESS of what I do, when my vibration is right, I can manifest whatever boday I want, by loving myself and accepting that all is well with me and my choices,  so I’ve been doing that and it’s been going great!

It’s all about LOVE y’all. Love the food that you put inside you & Love the body that your in and it is LAW that you will only reflect that inside & out!



laundry+room+design+essentials  - HouseBeautiful.com

Waist Trainers are BLESS!

They are amazing add-ons with your work out and they keep your curves looking AMAZING while slimming you down in the process. They are super easy to wash and it’s such a quick process it can be done regularly, which I like to do.  Below are my six steps to a squeeky clean waist trainer.


STEP ONE: Fill a bucket about mid way with water
STEP TWO: Pour in some Apple Cider Vinegar (Great cleanser)
STEP THREE: Place in bucket and gently hand wash, especially the fabric part attached to the latex part.
STEP FOUR: Move around and keep massaging and cleaning and then empty bucket
STEP FIVE: Pour out water with some new, and then fill with a little bit of cleaning detergent. Repeat step four.
STEP SIX: Get as much of water out of bucket and place trainer flat some where to AIR DRY.




So I bought a waist trainer & I’m LOVING it. I have amazing curves, but I see nothinn wrongg with a snatching my waist even more, so I got my cute big booty on ebay and bought straight from the supply an ann cherry one and I…LOVE it.

First off, it is TOO FAB for visualizing because you are INSTANTLY snatched in with it, giving you that Jessica Rabbit, Coke bottle, turned down for whaa, video vixen LIFE,  and what’s even better is that the more and more you wear it, the more your body starts flowing that way, so YES PLEASE to a flat stomach and fit thickness.


Here’s where I bought mine–> EBAY (search ann cherry latex waist cincher)
Price: $50.
Delivery: About a week.

Day-to Day: I wear it from morning to evening, MAKE SURE TO WASH it if you have one and wearing regularly, rashes are real, I learned so you don’t HAVE to. I now wash with Apple Cider Vinegar and then let air-dry, keep it away from the dryer.

There are workout ones, which I LOVE and will be getting soon, and then also a classic daytime one which you can also work out with I have and i’ts black.

Check out my pinterest board for more images:



GORGEOUS yellowSUPERMAN 3-PIECE SET- $80.00 (Tank + Bra + Leggings)

Feeling GOOD is so so important and when I feel FAB in my work out clothes I feel AMAZING!

I LOVE the Body by Rosa Acosta fitness wear line and although I already have a post on some of my favorite sets, I just HAD to come back and share some of my favorite tops from the collection.

black top  laceback top  coral top  gorgeous black back

pink top  green top

Cut-outs, lace-up backs and hot colors?! YAS hunny.

Remember to check out cossamia.com for the fabulous pieces!




Water is AMAZING for you, and I saw a post a few weeks back that totally INSPIRED me, the one about the women who drank a gallon of water for a few weeks.  So I started to up my water intake, and thanks to getting on that cucumber + lemon water FLEX, I am downing an ABUNDANT amount of water & LOVING it.

Now I’m playing with things and tracking my gallon of water(& more) a day experience! I have also started taking Biotin, found a bottle from WAY back when, and know that lots of water consumption helps when taking it, so YES, I am just LIVING honey on ALL fronts.

1 Gallon = 3.78 Litres  (1 Litre = 1000/mL, so basically two regular 500mL water bottles)

I like to go for about 8 of my VOSS 500mL bottles.

And honestly I FEEL so GOOD, so REFRESHED, more awake and just overall CLEAR & happy:)

Love you, XO!


laura govan_abs

WELL, let me TELL you.

Laura Govan got her fitness on and she looks A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! She lost EIGHT-FIVE POUNDS(!!) and totally achieved all she kept saying she wanted to do in the show and I am super happy for her. Love talking about the laws of the universe working in peoples lives.

Here are some results on my google search (YES, you know that is the extent of my research on this, lol).

SIZE:  Size 14 on the show to Size FOUR! She lost EIGHT-FIVE POUNDS!(Get it Girl!!)


  • Changed her MIND & stayed dedicated to that-“I started working out. I had to change my mind” (Dailymail interview)
  • Stayed MOTIVATED
    *She posted pictures around her house of herself, “I had to remind myself that this is where I was and THIS is where I WANT to be.”


  • Snacking all day,  nuts, salad and steak – 
    “I’m not even gonna lie. I eat a lot of junk food. I eat a lot of Oreos; I’m a snacker. I’ll snack all day but I do eat a lot of nuts and salad with some chicken or some steak, and it’s not like give me a little steak salad, I’m like put that whole steak on that salad and I’ll eat it all! But I just maintain. ”
    *(Vibe magazine Interview, she also mentions there is more that she is saving for a DVD, hayy!!)I just want to say a huge YAASS LAURA, CONGRATS you got your body back, you got your man back and all that she was talking about wanting on the show, LOA baby.LOVE YOU! XO



So video vixen and fitness model Rosa Acosta has a fitness clothing line -“Body by Rosa Acosta” – and I absolutely LOVE it & the hustle!! I mean the set above is called “sex and the city” and she has a pair of leggings called “on fleek”, YASS!!

The clothing is super sexy, super functional with pieces that include:

  • Resistant to Sweat
  • Do not shrink and warp to the touch (AMEN!)
  • Great Ventilation
    *Check out cossamia.com for the fabulous pieces!

I am LOVING the creativity with the bright colors and designs, I feel like it’s bringing  CLUB WEAR to the GYM & I would GO IN on those crunches & squats feeling so FAB.

LOVING the CAMO two piece look and will DEFINITLEY be rocking it! Also Love the bright fabulousness “Movie Star” set above! Plus as seperates this would be AMAZING, I can already see myself rocking a white ribbed tank and the camo leggings, can’t wait to get ALL of them!











Water is EVERYTHING.Let me say it again. Water.Is.Everything.


I’ve lost weight in the past many a time, and water has definitley been my ally. As we all know, most of the time when we think we’re “hungry” we’re really just THIRSTY!

So how do we get this water in? For the past month my water intake has gone up like CRAZY, and effortlessly, thanks to a chance encounter with a post on cucumber & lemon water.


STEP ONE: Get a sexy VOSS bottle (any bottle works, you will slice to fit, VOSS I lovee).
STEP TWO: Cut up some lemon (I like to cut about two slices and then slice THOSE halves into another half, so I have four little slices (2×2, get it?!)
STEP THREE: Cut up some Cucumber (I like to cut about four slices, and then cut those halves)
STEP FOUR: Slip it inside the bottle

and VOILA!

You just made cucumber & lemon water baby! Add more slices to taste, I like mine to be a bit light sometimes, and you can let it sit(Some do the night before and let it sit for example) OR even drink right away (I often do that). Longer it sits more benefits, I’m assuming, but TRUST me, however you do it, you will GET more water in than ever, and that is a SUPER benefit.

This is a FAB DETOX drink, given the amazing properties of lemon in cleansing the body. I was feeling CLEAN and trim after even just a day, my body just felt RIGHT, you will never have that “backed up” “stuffed up” feeling again!

Just downed a liter writing this, BAM!

(Courtesy of a quick google search, lol):
-Cucumber is EXTREMELY hydrating since it already holds TONS of water, this makes for a fab REFRESHING taste.
-Cucumber gives the water a nice kick of Vitamin B
According to everydayroots.com Lemon  ” helps stimulate and regulate the digestive track (which is why it’s so helpful with constipation, heartburn and gas), stimulates bile production, and thins out bile, which allows it to flow more freely. Bile is produced by the liver and ends up in the small intestine to break down lipids (fats) that we’ve consumed.”

Woop, let’s Go BILE! LOL

**Check out the everyday roots website for other delicious infused water & health ideas!

Love you!xo



Devyn Galindo shoots Daniela Braga for Nasty Gal Pre-Spring Lookbook

It’s 2015 snitches! A  New Year, New Me, and YES you CAN go take that and meme it all the way to the bank, baby babay *Big Pun Voice*

I woke up this morning, and was like I’m doing this, LETS GO!!

So I dusted off that wordpress login and came back to this blog I started OH SO many years ago and finally started writing on it!

I am a huge believer in the law of attraction and laws of the universe, and on focusing on what you want. So I said, hmm, well, if this is what I want, let me GO and get it. That Miracle Watts looking, video vixen, flat stomach slim arms flexing, big booty poppin, hair LAIID for days, lips popping, inner-being true self to fly and shine. I’m all about positivity and positive energy and that’s the way that I write and the way that I LIVE, so don’t get it twisted, I LOVE the way I look now and LOVE my body and I’m eager & ready for that oh so *PERFECT-TINY-SWEET-CURVE*

I AM working out to trap music, I AM TWERKING  in the name of fitness, I am living that lemon and cucumber water life, I AM  living that fully hydrated, skin glowing, hair FLOWING, nails LONG & POPPING, curves ON POINT, flat firm stomach, ABUNDANCE situation.



Image Credit- TUMBLR. how FLY is she, I LOVE everryy single thing in this image, lol, like THIS is my inner-being.

I am twenty-five years old  positive, gorgeous and curvy black women, documenting my fabulous journey on all things health & fitness!

I am a huge believer in the law of attraction and the power of the universe and focusing on what you want and I wanted to make a blog that will inspire others to go for what they want & have fun while doing it, so watch me transform and tone. I love where I am and I am so excited for where I am going to be.

  • Let’s talk about good ratchet hip hop music to add to my work out playlists.
  • My favirote songs and TURRNED UP workouts
  • Delicious meals full of flavor and fabness
  • Workout leggings that make your booty pop and so much more…

Let’s TWERK in the name of fitness!